Smart Campus
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2009 ¤Ó ƯÁý
An analysis was conducted of clinical pharmacist intervention and the economic evaluation in a tertiary hospital. Nine of clinical pharmacists prospectively documented the interventions that ware accepted by physicians and entered into a spreadsheet, between february 1 , 2011to July 31, 2011. All interventions were evaluated for type and frequency, rate of acceptance byphysicians, Probability of harm and economic consequence, including cost avoidance, cost saving,and cost effect of discarding. During the study, 4,487 clinical pharmacist interventions were documented. The rate of acceptance of the recommendations was 92.1%. The most frequent types of phamacist interverntionsinvoloved adjusting the formulation of TPN and adjusting the dose according to the result ofTDM. The overall economic benefit was ¡¬826,186,354. The mean total cost avoidance for all 3661interventions was ¡¬7,60,426025, the mean total cost saving for all 87 interventions was¡¬56,445,381, and the cost saving from avoiding discarding for all 439 intervention was¡¬9,314,948. Clinical outcome of pharmacist intervention may not be assessable for several reasons. This was the preliminary study for economic evaluation of clinical pharmacist interventionin Korea. Our result demonstrates that clinical pharmacist interventions are most likely to lead to favorable economical outcomes. Further study should be needed to extend the area of hospitalpharmacy by improving the clinical and economic outcome with drug therapy.